How to Upload Minecraft World to Server
This article will guide you through that process of uploading your own existing Minecraft world to your Nodecraft Server.
Install the Same Modpack and Version of Minecraft on the Server
Kickoff utilise the "I Click" installer on the Nodecraft server control panel to install the same version of Minecraft, and the modpack (if applicative) that the world was created on. Uploading a world folder created on a dissimilar version of Minecraft, or a dissimilar modpack, can pb to problems with the world loading correctly.
Find the "Globe" Folder on Your Existing Game
Go to where your Minecraft game is installed on your computer, and open up the game folder. MInecraft names your world save by default to world
, unless you changed the name to something else when you created information technology. You're looking for that folder name, or earth
for default.
If you lot open up the binder, you should see something shut to the view below.
That listing to a higher place is from a world created with a specific Modpack (in this case, the modpack Stoneblock), so the exact files and names might exist slightly unlike. Certain files will be mutual to all worlds, such equally level.dat
, and the folders DIM1
and DIM-1
, so this is simply an case to aid you lot brand sure you are looking at the correct folder.
Employ a Pinch Utility to "Nix" the Unabridged World Binder
A zip utility is a program that will bundle all the files into 1 package, and so shrink the files to brand them smaller. Smaller files will hateful faster uploaded. Doing this is often referred to equally "zipping" the files. At that place are several utilities that tin can do this, and many can be downloaded for free.
We highly recommend using 7zip
, which is both free and very piece of cake to use. You tin can go it Here. But download the correct version for your operating system, and install and set it up. When yous are ready, select the whole world binder, and zip it, and all of its contents.
NOTE: The Nodecraft control panel can support uploading unabridged folders without "zipping" them start, but there are nevertheless several advantages to zipping them up. The files are all arranged in ane package, which can exist moved around on the server easier, and the files will exist smaller which means faster uploading. If you are having problem with the zipping part of this process, you lot can skip it and upload merely the whole folder.
Delete whatever "Globe" Folders Already on the Nodecraft Server
If you have already started the server, Minecraft volition accept automatically generated a new earth, in its own "world" folder. In guild to avert confusion, yous might want to select that "globe" binder and delete it using the button at the pinnacle of the File Director view, before y'all upload your own.
Upload the .Zip File to your Server
Utilize an FTP Program
If the zipped files are very large, nosotros recommend using an FTP client to manage the file upload. FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol". It'southward a standardized way to connect to a remote calculator, and then manage the process of uploading large files. FTP programs interruption the file into smaller parts, send them 1 at a time, and keep runway of which parts were received correctly at the other terminate. FTP can even resend bits that were lost or garbled at the other terminate. It also had the advantage of being much faster in almost cases.
We have a basic guide for FTP apply in our knowledgebase which y'all tin can discover
. We highly recommend Filezilla for this, just the guide has links to many popular programs that can be used for FTP.
Use Drag and Drop in the File Manager*
The File manager View on the Nodecraft control panel besides supports drag and drop. Go to your server control panel, and then click on the file manager tab on the left side. Yous can either click on the upload push button shown beneath, or simply drag a file into the file director window and an upload target box volition appear. Release the file inside the box, and the upload volition begin.
The drag and driblet tin can handle fairly large files (several hundred megabytes), but is much slower than using FTP. Information technology as well has no built in spot-checking, then if anything interrupts the process, information technology will error out, and you lot may have to kickoff again.
Unzip the File
Merely select the uploaded annal from your File Director, and a push button labelled "unzip" will appear at the peak (or unrar etc. if you chose a different format). Click information technology, follow the prompts, and it will automatically unzip the files. If done successfully, you lot volition accept the same world folder from your calculator on the server!
Change the Settings to Use the Binder
Minecraft automatically names all worlds it creates globe
, and if your'south was named this, information technology volition just automatically wait for and use that folder when it starts up. If your globe is named something else, you will take to change the settings that tell Minecraft which folder to load the world information from.
Click on Game Settings
on the control console, then click on the world
tab on the blue bar. Replace the word "world" with the exact name of your ain world binder.
Congratulations! Your world has been uploaded to your server!
If everything has been done correctly, the server should load your world on it's next startup. Connect into the game to brand sure everything is fine, and if it is, yous're ready to keep exploring on your ain custom world, at present hosted on your Nodecraft Server!
if yous encounter any bug with this process please contact our Customer Support. Links to our livechat tin be found on the Support folio of our website
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